Goosebumps for the Gospel?

Our colleagues in Slavonski Brod, Croatia, continue to hand out copies of the Gospel of Luke and 50 chronological Bible stories in the village near where we used to live. Not long ago they went to 40 different homes and offered a printed copy while also playing the audio through portable speakers. Only one familyContinue reading “Goosebumps for the Gospel?”

Editing, testing and checking finished in Ludari!

Thank you for praying for the translation work. Here are some updates: Yesterday, Zoki, Sergej and I finished the final checks in the Ludari language for the Gospel of Luke, 50 chronological Bible stories and the glossary. Today I sent the text of the Bible stories in to the graphic artist so she can beginContinue reading “Editing, testing and checking finished in Ludari!”

Thanksgiving celebrations; progress in translating Gospel of Luke in all 5 languages

THE PRICES WRITE December 2020 (PART 1) Thank you for your faithful prayers for us! Due to the increase in COVID cases and the health condition of Todd’s parents, we had to cancel going to Oklahoma City for Thanksgiving. (Todd’s dad, Max, has a very compromised immune system due to chemotherapy for colon cancer). ButContinue reading “Thanksgiving celebrations; progress in translating Gospel of Luke in all 5 languages”

Summer, School, Secretary, Sower

PRAYER REQUESTS: Praise God for a good start to the school year. Pray for Pam for much wisdom and strength as she teaches Daniel and Ariela and as they study Croatian. Pray for Kirsten to adjust well to BFA in Germany and grow academically, socially and spiritually Pray for Zoki and Todd, for continued progressContinue reading “Summer, School, Secretary, Sower”

When is a story not a story, and a seed not a seed? (The Prices Write, May 2019, part 2)

The other day we translated the first draft of the 21st Bible story in the Ludari language. This story in the series is not actually a story but rather a lesson which bridges the gap between the 20 stories from the Old Testament and the 29 from the New Testament in order to explain howContinue reading “When is a story not a story, and a seed not a seed? (The Prices Write, May 2019, part 2)”

Answered prayers & current prayer requests

Our friends at The Seed Company recently asked us, “What prayers were answered from last quarter (2018)?” I wanted to share with you what we told them: Several of our Roma Bible translators are getting more confident and better in their translating. Several of them have learned to use ParaTExt which is a huge helpContinue reading “Answered prayers & current prayer requests”

It takes a village (The Prices Write, February 2019, part 1)

It takes a village, so the saying goes. Or at least, it takes a family. Let me explain. Last Wednesday I drove over to Zoki’s house for our weekly session of translating Bible stories into his language (Ludari). As I drove up and parked, his wife came out and mentioned that Zoki wasn’t home yet,Continue reading “It takes a village (The Prices Write, February 2019, part 1)”

Translating the story of Noah’s flood (The Prices Write, part 2)

As I take the 10 minute- drive to the Roma neighborhood, I pray that Z. & N. will be home and available to translate more Bible stories in Ludari. (In this culture, setting appointments is somewhat pointless, so we just visit them when we think they’ll be available.) There’s a light on when I pullContinue reading “Translating the story of Noah’s flood (The Prices Write, part 2)”

History in the Making (The Prices Write, November 2018, part 1)

“How do we say ‘beginning’?” “Where is the ‘ä’ letter?” “Go ask mom how you say “dark”. “How would we say “formed”? These were some of the questions and remarks they made to each other, their faces intent on the screen, leaning in, pecking out the letters on the keyboard, as a half dozen LudariContinue reading “History in the Making (The Prices Write, November 2018, part 1)”

The Bible for all Roma

Our vision is to see God’s Word in the heart language of every Roma (Gypsy) in Europe and western Eurasia. There are 12-16 million Roma in over 30 countries, speaking over 80 dialects. Next year begins the Decade of the Book (2015-2025) when we pray that Bible translation will begin in every Roma dialect whichContinue reading “The Bible for all Roma”