Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, and Montenegro

Roma living in the countries of Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Montenegro speak a variety of languages, including Bayash, Arli, Chergash, Gurbet and Ludari. Our prayer and desire is to see the Bible translated into all five of these languages so that each Roma will have access to God’s Word in their mother tongue.

Please pray for:

  • Progress in translating the New Testament five languages: 1) Bayash, 2) Ludari, 3) Arli, 4) Gurbet, and 5) Chergash
  • Pray that we can quickly & accurately prepare the materials to train mother tongue translators to translate from Croatian and Serbian
  • Pray for God to raise up mother tongue speakers with a passion to translate the Bible into their native Roma languages
  • Pray that we can finish, print, distribute & make available digitally the New Testament in these languages
  • Pray that the Gospel of Luke booklets will be well received and we can move on to the other Gospels as well