Sharing in the Harvest: A Sermon from Luke 10:1-7

On Sunday, I had the privilege of preaching at our home church, CrossWay Bible Church, on Luke 10:1-7. (Click on the image above if you would like to hear the sermon.) One of my sermon points was that there is a place for short-term missions teams to assist on-field workers to advance the Gospel withContinue reading “Sharing in the Harvest: A Sermon from Luke 10:1-7”

Family activities

Thank you for praying for us as a family. We so appreciate your love and support. Here are a few pictures of activities over the last several weeks. Ariela made the best of an unexpected snowstorm! Kirsten, born on Valentine’s Day, turned 20! Valentine’s roses Valentine’s doughnuts! Daddy-Daughter FROG ball (Fathers, Relatives & Other Guys)Continue reading “Family activities”

So, how are the kids?

Cozy winter New Year’s greetings to you! Our hearts are warmed by the time we’ve had as a family. This happens once a year, now that we’re based Stateside, which is a joy to look forward to! Timothy (33) lives in northern Kansas City, so we see him more frequently. He works for the MissouriContinue reading “So, how are the kids?”

What are our 2024 Bible translation goals?

In our Bible translation work, we have a goal of translating 625 Bible verses each quarter in each of the three Roma languages (Arli, Chergash and Gurbet). Thus, Lord willing, at the end of 2024, we hope to have finished translating a total of 7,500 verses. The exciting thing is that if we reach thatContinue reading “What are our 2024 Bible translation goals?”

Christmas pictures with the kids

We’re thankful that we were able to have all the kids here for two weeks. Jonathan flew in from California, and Matthew from Georgia. Since the others live here in KC, we were able to spend a lot of time all together. We enjoyed lots of board games, coffee, hot chocolate, apple cider, popcorn andContinue reading “Christmas pictures with the kids”

7,276 verses this year; Lost (and found) in translation, installment #17

Thank you for your faithful prayers and financial support! In 2023, Todd and the three Roma Bible translation teams checked 7,276 verses together. This includes all of the Gospel of Mark, the Acts of the Apostles, the Epistle of James, and over half the Gospel of John. Goran in his office in Serbia, translating inContinue reading “7,276 verses this year; Lost (and found) in translation, installment #17”

“Don’t eat strangled animals” (Lost [and Found] in Translation, Installment #16)

We recently finished checking Acts in the Arli, Gurbet and Chergash languages. It was a four month process, fun to do, but also with many challenges. One of the challenges in Bible translation is what to do when there is implied background information that we know was clear to those who read the New TestamentContinue reading ““Don’t eat strangled animals” (Lost [and Found] in Translation, Installment #16)”

Pray requests for Croatia trip (leaving Wednesday)

We leave for Croatia in just two days. A friend of ours asked how he could pray for us and our trip; Pam wrote him the following and we wanted to share it with all of you and ask you to pray for the same. Thank you! Prayer requests from Pam: 1. That our luggageContinue reading “Pray requests for Croatia trip (leaving Wednesday)”

Happy 2nd “Big Friday”; pictures from the FROG ball; Daniel turned 15

I know that Easter has passed according to our calendar, but in Serbia and parts of Croatia, Easter is this weekend and today is Good Friday, or as they call it, “Big Friday”. It is a joy to celebrate Easter not once but twice! This week we were translating Peter’s sermon in Acts 2 inContinue reading “Happy 2nd “Big Friday”; pictures from the FROG ball; Daniel turned 15″

“Up to the elbows…” (Lost [and found] in translation, #12); March birthdays; visits with moms

Thank you all for your faithful prayers for us! March is birthday month for us. Elizabeth turned 28 on the 1st and Pamala’s birthday was on the 2nd (see pictures below). Jonathan turns 31 on the 19th and Daniel turns 15 on the 20th. I guess we should just leave the streamers up all month!Continue reading ““Up to the elbows…” (Lost [and found] in translation, #12); March birthdays; visits with moms”