Lost (and found) in translation: Installment #7: seed pickers & babblers; prayer request for my mom, for Bible distribution, pics from Ariela’s birthday

I’m currently preparing to teach a class to our Roma Bible translators on the topic of “sociolinguistics”. What is sociolinguistics? I’m so glad you asked! One simple definition is “sociolinguistics is that part of linguistics which is concerned with language as a social and cultural phenomenon.” Practically speaking, it is a study of how weContinue reading “Lost (and found) in translation: Installment #7: seed pickers & babblers; prayer request for my mom, for Bible distribution, pics from Ariela’s birthday”

Kirsten’s graduation; Ariela’s baptism; our move to new house

On May 7, Kirsten (18) graduated from high school and Calvary University (Kansas City) with a two-year Associate of Arts degree in Ministry Studies. We’re so proud of her for her hard work! On May 7-8, Ariela (10) acted, danced and sang, and Daniel (14) ran sound for the production of “Honk. Jr.” at theirContinue reading “Kirsten’s graduation; Ariela’s baptism; our move to new house”

The (belated) Prices Write (August 2020, part 1)

Dear praying friends, I apologize for being so late with this prayer letter. Thank you all for praying for us faithfully. Matthew’s surgery in San Francisco on July 10 went well. We won’t know the long-term results for at least a few months and more likely for 1-2 years since nerves re-grow at a veryContinue reading “The (belated) Prices Write (August 2020, part 1)”

Summer, School, Secretary, Sower

PRAYER REQUESTS: Praise God for a good start to the school year. Pray for Pam for much wisdom and strength as she teaches Daniel and Ariela and as they study Croatian. Pray for Kirsten to adjust well to BFA in Germany and grow academically, socially and spiritually Pray for Zoki and Todd, for continued progressContinue reading “Summer, School, Secretary, Sower”

The 12 Days of Christmas

Ariela’s Christmas recital in mid-December. It was a bit hard to find her on the stage among all the blonde-haired little girls in red and white but she is the one in the middle, sitting down, facing the camera with her right hand reaching to her Santa cap (see yellow arrow). Matthew carried over fromContinue reading “The 12 Days of Christmas”

Ariela’s song, “Don’t try to tell me that God is dead…”

Ariela learned this song at the SHARE conference. The words are: “Don’t try to tell me that God is dead, He woke me up this morning. Don’t try to tell me that God is dead, He lives within my heart. He opened up my blinded eyes, and set me on the way. Don’t try toContinue reading “Ariela’s song, “Don’t try to tell me that God is dead…””