Excuse me while I “cover my feet”: Lost (and found) in translation, installment #9

I’m home from Slovakia; thank you for your prayers! In addition to the conference with The Word for the World Bible Translators (TWFTW), I taught a week of classes to our Roma Bible translators on the subject of sociolinguistics. They also had a second class on Bible translation principles. It was a joy to seeContinue reading “Excuse me while I “cover my feet”: Lost (and found) in translation, installment #9″

Thanksgiving celebrations; progress in translating Gospel of Luke in all 5 languages

THE PRICES WRITE December 2020 (PART 1) Thank you for your faithful prayers for us! Due to the increase in COVID cases and the health condition of Todd’s parents, we had to cancel going to Oklahoma City for Thanksgiving. (Todd’s dad, Max, has a very compromised immune system due to chemotherapy for colon cancer). ButContinue reading “Thanksgiving celebrations; progress in translating Gospel of Luke in all 5 languages”

Luke 1-2 & 50 Bible stories printed & distributed in Gurbet & Arli

Before I had to quickly leave Croatia to come to the States after Matthew’s accident, we had been waiting for the printers in Serbia to print a booklet of Luke chapters 1-2 and a book of 50 illustrated Bible stories in three of the Roma languages (Gurbet, Arli and Chergash). These have been printed, andContinue reading “Luke 1-2 & 50 Bible stories printed & distributed in Gurbet & Arli”

“It makes me so happy to read the Gospel in my mother tongue” (The Prices Write, August 2019, part 1)

I (Todd) recently met with Nedeljko (pictured above), and his daughters, Nataša and Renata to check our translation of Luke 1-11 into the Bayash language, and to test it out with listeners from their village. As Nedeljko read it in his heart language, he got goose bumps and was choked up. His face lit upContinue reading ““It makes me so happy to read the Gospel in my mother tongue” (The Prices Write, August 2019, part 1)”

Christmas in March? (The Prices Write, April 2019, part 2)

Recently we have been translating Luke chapters 1-2 in four Roma dialects, which tell about the birth of John the Baptist and of Jesus. These are very difficult chapters to translate because of the extensive use of poetry. We had waited until the translators had some experience under their belts translating Luke 4-10 which isContinue reading “Christmas in March? (The Prices Write, April 2019, part 2)”

How will Zora understand this? (The Prices Write, March 2019, part 1)

Last month, six Roma translators, a consultant, a consultant-in-training, a Croatian translator and I met at the Baptist Church here in Slavonski Brod to edit our translations of Luke 8-10 in 3 Roma languages. We met for six days. After devotions and prayer each morning, we spent the rest of the day going verse-by-verse overContinue reading “How will Zora understand this? (The Prices Write, March 2019, part 1)”

Answered prayers & current prayer requests

Our friends at The Seed Company recently asked us, “What prayers were answered from last quarter (2018)?” I wanted to share with you what we told them: Several of our Roma Bible translators are getting more confident and better in their translating. Several of them have learned to use ParaTExt which is a huge helpContinue reading “Answered prayers & current prayer requests”