Report on teaching exegesis in Serbia to Roma Bible translators

Thank you for praying for my recent trip to Serbia. I met with the three Roma Bible translation teams I consult, and a new team starting on a Bible translation for Roma in Albania, and taught them a course on “Biblical Exegesis”. Exegesis is the process of studying and discovering the meaning of a text,Continue reading “Report on teaching exegesis in Serbia to Roma Bible translators”

Flying out to Serbia tomorrow (The Prices Write)

Dear praying friends, Tomorrow I travel to Jagodina (which means “strawberry”; shown on map above), Serbia, to teach a class on biblical exegesis for a week. The Roma translators I consult are taking this course on how to discover the meaning of a Bible passage as part of their training, and they will be joinedContinue reading “Flying out to Serbia tomorrow (The Prices Write)”

Translating Matthew & Exodus; visiting Mom; setting up our house

BIBLE TRANSLATION UPDATE There is so much to praise God for and so many answers to prayer: Over the last two weeks, I met by Zoom with the Roma translators each work day. We were spread out between me in Kansas City (seven time zones away) and the translators in various cities in Croatia, Serbia,Continue reading “Translating Matthew & Exodus; visiting Mom; setting up our house”

Birthdays; prep for moving; responses to translated verses on social media (The Prices Write, April 2022)

In March we celebrated birthdays with Elizabeth (27), Pamala, Jonathan (30) and Daniel (14). This month we are finishing the painting of the house in Belton and moving some things over, so in May we will move completely and no longer be renting each month in Independence, MO. Kirsten is looking forward to moving outContinue reading “Birthdays; prep for moving; responses to translated verses on social media (The Prices Write, April 2022)”

The first leg of the marathon: Bible dedications nearing the completion of Phase 1 of the Bible translation project

(Following is the transcript of the above video, which is a report of the recent distribution of the Gospel of Luke and 50 chronological Bible stories in four Roma languages in Croatia and Serbia.) Who are the Roma and why do they need Bible translation? Roma people, often called Gypsies, are scorned throughout Europe, whereContinue reading “The first leg of the marathon: Bible dedications nearing the completion of Phase 1 of the Bible translation project”

Looking for mistakes, finding truth; family fun with Valentine’s and birthday

Not long ago, I received this encouraging report from the coordinator for The Word for the World Serbia/Croatia: In September 2021, the translation team distributed the Gospel of Luke and 50 Bible stories in the Roma community in Leskovac, Serbia. One of the translators, Saša [English spelling Sasha], invited his neighbors, some of whom areContinue reading “Looking for mistakes, finding truth; family fun with Valentine’s and birthday”

Our daily prayer calendar, November 2021 (The Prices Write, part 2)

Download this prayer list formatted as a calendar for printing out: November 1 Pray for God’s will for a closing date on a house in Belton, MO, we’ve made an offer on; pray for His provision of long-term housing for us November 2 Pray for God’s will to be done through today’s elections November 3Continue reading “Our daily prayer calendar, November 2021 (The Prices Write, part 2)”

Fall family activities; translating Ezekiel in a related Roma language (The Prices Write, November 2021)

FAMILY UPDATE: In October we enjoyed the cooler Fall weather, as you can see from the pictures below: BIBLE TRANSLATION UPDATE: As part of my training to become a Bible translation consultant, I checked several chapters of Ezekiel in the Eastern Slovak Roma language. Those working on the translation have done a great job andContinue reading “Fall family activities; translating Ezekiel in a related Roma language (The Prices Write, November 2021)”

Bible translation, local church missions and Christian grieving (podcast)

I was privileged to be the guest of my good friend, Dr. Todd R. Chipman, for his recent podcast, “Voices of MCC”. MCC (Master’s Community Church, Kansas City, KS) is an amazing church with which we partner. We so enjoyed joining them last weekend at their annual missions conference. If you would like to listenContinue reading “Bible translation, local church missions and Christian grieving (podcast)”