Goosebumps for the Gospel?

Our colleagues in Slavonski Brod, Croatia, continue to hand out copies of the Gospel of Luke and 50 chronological Bible stories in the village near where we used to live. Not long ago they went to 40 different homes and offered a printed copy while also playing the audio through portable speakers. Only one familyContinue reading “Goosebumps for the Gospel?”

“That’s our language!”

O happy day! We praise the Lord for getting the Gospel of Luke and 50 chronological Bible stories printed in our 5th Roma language (called Ludari). This is the language spoken in the village in Slavonski Brod, Croatia, where we used to live. In the picture above, I’m standing in front of the Roma flagContinue reading ““That’s our language!””

Our daily prayer calendar for October 2022

To get this prayer list formatted as a calendar you can print out, click “Download” below: October 1 Praise God for safe travels to & from Slovakia, a great conference with the translators & a successful week of teaching October 2 Pray for edifying & refreshing Sundays for us…and for yourselves! October 3 Pray forContinue reading “Our daily prayer calendar for October 2022”

How to hear the Word of God (or “They rejoiced because they understood”, Nehemiah 8:1-12)

This is a sermon I preached at our home church, CrossWay Bible Church, Blue Springs, MO, earlier this month, on the subject of how to read (or listen to) the Bible. I hope it will be a blessing to you for God’s glory.

Excuse me while I “cover my feet”: Lost (and found) in translation, installment #9

I’m home from Slovakia; thank you for your prayers! In addition to the conference with The Word for the World Bible Translators (TWFTW), I taught a week of classes to our Roma Bible translators on the subject of sociolinguistics. They also had a second class on Bible translation principles. It was a joy to seeContinue reading “Excuse me while I “cover my feet”: Lost (and found) in translation, installment #9″

“Oh for a 1,000 … languages to tell my great Redeemer’s praise”; Slovakia report part 1

I am on day 9 of my 11-day trip to Slovakia. Thank you for praying for me. The Lord has graciously answered so many prayer requests, including the following: I’ve had safety on all my flights and transport to the two different venues; my luggage made it safely; I have remained healthy; I was exhaustedContinue reading ““Oh for a 1,000 … languages to tell my great Redeemer’s praise”; Slovakia report part 1″

Flying to Slovakia tomorrow, prayers appreciated!

Tomorrow (Wednesday) morning I leave for an 11-day trip to Slovakia. I’ll be meeting with the Roma Bible translators and staff from The Word for The World Bible Translators for a conference, and then teaching the translators a week of classes on sociolinguistics. I’d appreciate pray for the following: Thank you for your prayers! HereContinue reading “Flying to Slovakia tomorrow, prayers appreciated!”

Our daily prayer calendar for September 2022

For this prayer list formatted as a calendar for printing out, click download below: September 1 Pray for Todd as he prepares to preach this Sunday, for God’s guidance, insight, wisdom & power September 2 Pray for Todd as he prepares class lectures for teaching Sociolinguistics in Serbo-Croatian in Slovakia September 3 Pray as Pam’sContinue reading “Our daily prayer calendar for September 2022”

What is the “therefore” there for? Who’s got talents? (Lost [and found] in translation; installment #8)

We’ve recently had the privilege of speaking at a few of the churches which support our ministry financially. It has been a joy to catch up with those we haven’t seen for several years, be able to preach the Word, and give an in-person update on our family and the progress of our Bible translationContinue reading “What is the “therefore” there for? Who’s got talents? (Lost [and found] in translation; installment #8)”

Lost (and found) in translation: Installment #7: seed pickers & babblers; prayer request for my mom, for Bible distribution, pics from Ariela’s birthday

I’m currently preparing to teach a class to our Roma Bible translators on the topic of “sociolinguistics”. What is sociolinguistics? I’m so glad you asked! One simple definition is “sociolinguistics is that part of linguistics which is concerned with language as a social and cultural phenomenon.” Practically speaking, it is a study of how weContinue reading “Lost (and found) in translation: Installment #7: seed pickers & babblers; prayer request for my mom, for Bible distribution, pics from Ariela’s birthday”