The Prices Write, Sept./Oct. 2016

Click below for our newest prayer letter, The Prices Write, with our daily prayer calendar for September and October 2016, formatted for printing out. price-prayer-letter-09-2016-low-res

Praying the Scriptures for World Missions–a sermon

Praying the Scriptures for World Missions A sermon preached Nov. 8, 2015, at CrossWay Bible Church, Blue Springs, MO   The ministry that we are involved in is in Budapest, Hungary.  Many of you know that we were in Croatia and then in Bosnia before that for about 16 years, and for the last coupleContinue reading “Praying the Scriptures for World Missions–a sermon”

Prayer requests & giving opportunity for Oct. 15, 2014

1. We have a very exciting possibility. A dear friend of ours might be able to move over here to Budapest, Hungary, to work with us in the ministry. It would be a fantastic blessing to us, yet there are a number of obstacles and hoops to jump through before it could eventuate. I’m notContinue reading “Prayer requests & giving opportunity for Oct. 15, 2014”

Roma for the Nations (part 2)

Here are some of our dear colleagues and coworkers in Christ in the Roma Bible Union, Roma Bible Society and Operation Mobilization. Below: one of the most touching parts of the conference was when the Roma brothers initiated a time of special prayer to pray for God’s blessing on their Chinese brothers who had initiatedContinue reading “Roma for the Nations (part 2)”