“‘Rend the Heavens and Come Down’: Prayer for God’s Glory in World Missions” (a sermon)

Here is the sermon I preached yesterday at the Master’s Community Church, Kansas City, KS, entitled, “‘Rend the Heavens and Come Down’: Prayer for God’s Glory in World Missions”. To download: http://themcc.org/sermons/rend-the-heavens-and-come-down-prayer-for-gods-glory-in-world-missions/ To listen online: http://resources.themcc.org/mp3/2015/toddprice/2015.10.11.tp.missionsconference.mp3

An idea for #GivingTuesday

We are praying for $330 per month in financial pledges for our missionary support. Donations can be made here. We are praying for $50,000 in one-time gifts to fund the first three phases of Bible translation in four Roma (Gypsy) dialects spoken in Croatia, Serbia and Hungary. Donations can be made here. #RomaBible, #toddlprice

Giving Tuesday (#GivingTuesday)

We’ve all heard of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, when we look for hot deals to save money. But have you heard of Giving Tuesday? It is the Tuesday following Black Friday and Cyber Monday and is a day dedicated to giving (#GivingTuesday). Perhaps we could give of our time, of our prayers, of aContinue reading “Giving Tuesday (#GivingTuesday)”